This summer, SOL was looking to help Torontonians enjoy the long-awaited patio season to the fullest. So we turned underutilised residential patios into pop-up bars, transforming patio wait-times into quality time sipping in the sun, with SOL Patio+.
Canadian patio-lovers spend all year looking forward to hitting up their favourite sunny spots so they can enjoy a sunny drink with friends. But there’s just one problem—while patio season is short, the wait for a table can be long. At popular bar locales like the Ossington Strip and King Street West, patio space is limited. This means that during peak times, patrons can end up waiting over an hour for a table, or be left scrambling to try and find an open table elsewhere. Ultimately, losing precious time for fun in the sun. As the brand that lives to bring the sunnier parts of life to its consumers in a refreshing way, SOL had a right—a responsibility even—to help solve it.

Partnering with two of the city’s most popular patio bars, The Painted Lady and The Wheat Sheaf Tavern, we noticed a plentiful number of residential patios going underused just a short walk away. Together with Publicis Sport & Entertainment, we worked with local homeowners to transform residential patio spaces into lively SOL Patio+ experiences, with a focus on adding surprise and delight to these beloved neighbourhood watering holes.
Now, when patrons are put on the waitlist at two of the city’s most popular patios, they get access to SOL Patio+ just a short stroll away. There, they can enjoy a free cerveza, snacks and games, while they wait. Once their table is ready, we’ll let them know they can head back to the bar to be seated.

“By leveraging an unexpected market of unused residential patio space, we’re turning a consumer frustration into an opportunity to help patio-goers enjoy the long-awaited season to the fullest—while supporting local bars who work hard to bring the best patio experience to all.” – Vini Dalvi, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Canada
Looking to score your patio spot? Head over to the Painted Lady or the Wheat Sheaf on August 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 11th.